Secure "Unbombable" Skype Chat Tutorial
Go on a chat with anyone and type the following, you should then have a new group called "Empty Group" /createmoderatedchat The type these to make it secure; /goadmin /set options +JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTS /set options +MODERATED_ADDING_LOCKED_FOR_USERS /set options +JOINING_DISABLED /set options +ADDING_LOCKED_FOR_USERS This will make the chat with the following rules: - Only admins (MASTER role) can add participants - People can not join from the chat URI (/get uri) - The chat picture can only be set by admins (MASTER role) - The chat topic can only be set by admins (MASTER role) If you type "/help" you will also see the old Skype commands, because it is a moderated chat. You also read- skype spammer tool free download