How to Automatically Follow Twitter Users with a Script
Following Twitter users manually can be pretty time consuming and, not to mention, annoying. Despite this, it's one of the fastest ways to grow your Twitter account. And given that the traffic that you can generate from Twitter is 72% more likely to purchase from your online store, it can make sense to devote some time to this sort of task.
As such, marketers often spend hours following and unfollowing users. But, with the right script, you can automate following twitter users and cut down the amount of time spent getting followers so you can spend more time posting engaging content.
The process is pretty simple.
First you'll need to find a Twitter influencer in the same niche as you.
For instance, if your niche was digital marketing, you might want to
use the followers of an influencer such as Sujan Patel. Once you've
reach a page like this,
open the console in your browser. In Chrome simply right click on the
page and click "Inspect Element" then click on the "Console" tab. Next
copy the following text:
__cnt__=0; jQuery('.Grid-cell .not-following .follow-text').each(function (i, ele) { ele = jQuery(ele); if (ele.css('display')!='block') {console.log('already following:', i); return;} setTimeout(function () {;}, __cnt__++*500); });
And paste it in the console and press enter. The script will start working right away. It will follow 2 twitter users a second. Before running the script you can scroll down the page to keep loading more accounts, but make sure to follow a maximum of 500 followers a day or you'll risk having your account shut down for spam.
After doing this for a few days, you'll probably want to cut down on the amount of followers you have on your account. To get rid of them easily and without any of that nasty manual labor, simply go to your followers page and use the following code in the console:
$('.js-follow-btn').each(function(){ $(this).trigger('click'); });
And, just like that, you'll have cleaned your Twitter account with (almost) no work on your part.
So now you'll be able to grow your Twitter following fast. It's a great way to automatically follow Twitter users with a script. If you use this method, just be sure you aren't following enough to risk a ban.
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